Dr. Raul Abella

General Surgery

Doctors | Dr. Raul Abella

Dr. Raul Abella, is an excellent cardiac surgeon with more than 28 years of experience. He is internationally recognized as an expert in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery and for his treatment of highly complex cases – from newborn to adulthood.

He is currently the director of the Centre Internacional del Cor de Barcelona (CICB) centres at the Hospital Quirón-Dexeus and Hospital Vall d’Hebron in Barcelona.

Attended more than 100 national &
international conferences as a speaker

Professional Experience

1991 – 1995

Cardiovascular Surgery

Bambino Gesù Pediatric Hospital – Rome, Italy

1995 – 2001

Cardiovascular Surgery

Hesperia Hospital – Modena, Italy

2002 – 2009

Cardiovascular Surgery

IRCCS “Policlinico San Donato” – Milan, Italy

2009 – 2010

Cardiovascular Surgery

Hospital Universitario Vall d’Hebron – Barcelona, Spain

2010 – Present

Head of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery

Vall d’Hebron Hospital Universitaria


Director of Centre Internacional del Cor de Barcelona (CICB)

Dexeus University Hospital

Academic Background


Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery

Universita Degli Studi Di Roma ‘La Sapienza’


Morphology of Congenital Heart Disease

Ministry of Public Health and Institute of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery


Cardiac Surgery Training

Homograft Preparation – Kardiocentrum Motol Prague


Specialised Surgical Technique Training

Clinique de Genolier Switzerland


One and One Half Ventricle Repairs

AULCI & Bambino Gesu Hospital


Aortic Valve Disease and its Management: A Spectrum from In Utero to Senescence

Hesperia Hospital. Scuola Internazionale di Perfezionamento Hesperia “Dwight C McGoon – Modena, Italy

Dr. Raul Abella, Knowledge and

Heart Disease

Heart Transplant


Pediatric Cardiac Surgery

Awards and Accreditations


World Society for Pediatric & Congenital
Heart Surgery

Founding Member


European Associations for
Cardiothoracic Surgery



European Associations for
Cardiothoracic Surgery

Attended more than 100 national &
international conferences as a speaker

More than 200 articles and publications

He has participated in more 56
humanitarian missions in 9 countries as
a cardiovascular surgeon


2019 Jan 16: Late Dissection of a
Contegra Conduit: A Rare Complication

2018 Mar 26: Selective Visceral Perfusion
Improves Renal Flow and Hepatic
Function in Neonatal Aortic Arch Repair

2017 Nov 9: Characterization and Risk
Factors for Aortic Dilatation in Pediatric
Patients with Bicuspid Aortic Valve

Why Spain?
Receive treatment in one of the best healthcare
systems in the world