Dr. Iván Mañero
Plastic Surgery, Transgender Unit
Doctors | Dr. Iván Mañero
Internationally recognized cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgeon, being a reference in plastic, genital and gender surgery. Running his own most innovative health and wellness beauty clinic in Europe.
He has established himself as one of the best
plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgeons
nationally and internationally
Professional Experience
Since 2009
Director and trainer of the surgical team. Organizer and creator of the surgical protocols of the Gender Disorders Unit
Hospital Clínic de Barcelona
Academic Background
Extensive experience and training
Some of the best hospitals
USA, Brazil, England and Spain
Dr. Ivan Mañero, Knowledge and
Awards and Accreditations
Full member of SECPRE and Global Net Work
University of Alabama, Birmingham
Full member of the Spanish Society of
Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic
Full member of the Spanish Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery