Uterine Prolapse

Uterine Prolapse is mitigated by pelvic floor work or tissue repair surgery through the vagina. There are treatments and techniques to improve uterine prolapse.

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Uterine Prolapse treatment in Spain

This is the most common gynecological surgery. In many cases it also requires the removal of the ovaries. There are different procedures for a hysterectomy depending on the patient’s needs.

Consult our doctors for more information in less than 3 hours. This is a common medical procedure which is performed for the treatment of multiple conditions. Find out more now.

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    Treatment characteristics

    A surgery to remove the uterus is known as a hysterectomy.

    Depending on the reason and severity for which you need to have this surgery, the ovaries and fallopian tubes can also be removed (uni or bilateral adnexectomy).

    The most common symptoms are:

    • Severe chronic infections (pelvic inflammatory disease)
    • Severe inflammation of the inner lining of the uterus (endometritis)
    • Tumors in the uterus
    • Uterine Fibrosis
    • Cancer of the cervix, uterus or ovary
    • Heavy, chronic vaginal bleeding
    This surgery can be performed by abdominal, vaginal or laparoscopic surgery.

    It is usually performed by laparoscopy since it allows for greater precision, millimetric incisions and reduces bleeding.

    This surgery is usually performed under general anaesthesia and typically takes between 90 to 120 minutes.

    It consists of making about three millimetric incisions in the abdomen through which the surgeon inserts the surgical instruments that allow him to carry out the removal of the uterus (upper, complete uterus, uterus and ovaries or uterus and ovaries and tubes)

    After the surgery you will be taken to the recovery room and from there to the ward where you will remain for approximately 2 to 3 days.

    By means of this surgery we are able to eliminate the disease for which we required treatment.

    The recovery period for this type of surgery is up to 3 or 4 weeks. After 15 days you will have a follow-up appointment so it will be necessary for you to stay in Spain at least until that visit.

    Relevant information


    • Significant reduction in pain.
    • Reduced hospitalisation time.
    • Small size of scars.
    • Lower risk of infection.
    • Less bleeding during surgery.

    Treatment itinerary

    Before treatment

    • Check that you have prepared all the personal documentation (credit card, cash, passport, Identity Card…), medical (reports, prescriptions, images…) and travel (confirmation of accommodation booking, travel tickets…)​.
    • If you take medication of any kind not related to the surgery, do not forget to take with you the necessary amount for your stay in Spain, as well as the medical prescription that will allow you to travel with it without problems.​

    During treatment

    • Once you are in Spain, you will have to make an appointment with your specialist. During this visit, the doctor will open your medical record (for which you will be asked to provide all your medical documentation), perform a physical examination and tell you if any further tests are needed to confirm the diagnosis.​
    • If it is not necessary and everything is confirmed, your doctor will tell you when you must go to the preoperative study and will confirm the time of admission for the day of your surgery.
    • If the surgeon has told you to stop taking any medication a few days before the surgery, such as anticoagulants, please do not forget to follow the exact instructions given by the doctor or you will not be able to have the operation!
    • The same goes for any fasting that the doctor indicates, if you do not comply – You will not be able to have the surgery either.

    After treatment

    • After the myomectomy you will be able to lead a more or less normal life; avoiding exertion which involves mainly the abdominal area. You will not be able to have sexual relations for approximately 6 weeks.
    • You must strictly follow the instructions given to you by your doctor for resuming your normal routine.
    • Remember that your recovery time will vary depending on your age, your physical condition, your lifestyle habits and your attitude.
    • Keep in mind that your successful recovery also depends on you!.


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