The periodontal treatment consists of the healing of the gums, in which there has been inflammation or bleeding, due to the bacterial plaque on the teeth, this solidifies and turns into tartar, the treatment performs a deep cleaning of the gums.
A degenerative and chronic disease, which must be treated effectively, in order to prevent it from recurring again over time. If it is not treated correctly it can create irreversible problems in the gums, teeth and bone.
Treatment characteristics
Who is this kind of treatment for?
Periodontal treatment consists of a series of procedures performed to repair the damage caused to our gums and teeth by gingivitis and periodontitis.
Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums that is usually caused by the accumulation of bacteria in the area between the teeth and the gums.
Periodontitis is the result of bacteria under the gums causing inflammation and can even destroy the bone that holds the tooth in place.
Some alarming symptoms which you should visit the dentist about are, among others;
Bleeding when brushing your teeth
Red or blue shades
Tooth sensitivity to cold
Change in tooth position
Bad breath
How is the treatment performed?
After carrying out the diagnostic tests to determine the extent of the disease, the tartar is removed by scraping both around the tooth and under the gum.
What is the result of the treatment?
The outcome is visible from the first moment, similar to when we have a deep dental clean; cleaner teeth, almost total reduction of bleeding and pain caused by inflammation… In short, the result is a healthy, happy mouth!
What recovery time do I need in Spain?
It is not necessary to stay for more than a couple of days, but depending on the severity of the problem, it is possible that the treatment will need to be repeated for some time, periodically, until the problem is completely eliminated.
Relevant information
- Elimination of bleeding
- Elimination of pain
- Reduction in risk of tooth loss
Treatment itinerary
Before treatment
- Check that you have prepared all the personal documentation (credit card, cash, passport, Identity Card…), medical (reports, prescriptions, images…) and travel (confirmation of accommodation booking, travel tickets…)
- If you take medication of any kind not related to the surgery, do not forget to take with you the necessary amount for your stay in Spain, as well as the medical prescription that will allow you to travel with it without problems.
During treatment
- Once you are in Spain, you will have to make an appointment with your specialist. During this visit, the doctor will open your medical record (for which you will be asked to provide all your medical documentation), perform a physical examination and discuss your treatment plan with you.
After treatment
- After the procedure, once the anesthesia wears off, you may feel some discomfort for which you may take some painkillers (prescribed by your dentist).
- Some people may have inflammation around the area and even some bruising. This is not cause for worry, it is just the natural reaction of our tissue when recovering from surgery.
- Remember that your recovery time will vary depending on your age, your physical condition, your lifestyle habits and your attitude
- Keep in mind that your successful recovery also depends on you!
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