Congenital Heart Defects

Congenital Heart Defects are diagnosed by physicians in children in the first months of life. Treatment will depend on the child’s condition.

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Congenital Heart Defects treatment in Spain

These malformations develop in the fetus and most of the time have a surgical solution within the baby’s first year of life. These surgeries have the objective of providing more quality of life to the child, both in terms of survival and increasing the overall quality of life.

A simple ultrasound scan can be used for detection. Feel free to contact VidasPrime and we will help you immediately. Our doctors will tell you the necessary steps to follow

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    Treatment characteristics

    It includes all those congenital defects caused by an anomaly during the fetal development.

    Most congenital defects are classified as:

    Cyanotic Heart Defects:

    • Ebstein’s Anomaly
    • Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
    • Pulmonary Atresia
    • Tetralogy of Fallot
    • Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection
    • Transposition of the Great Vessels
    • Tricuspid Atresia
    • Persistent Truncus Arteriosus

    Acyanotic Heart Defects:

    • Aortic Stenosis
    • Bicuspid Aortic Valve
    • Atrial Septal Defect
    • Atrioventricular Septal Defect
    • Coarctation of the Aorta
    • Patent Ductus Arteriosus
    • Pulmonary Stenosis
    • Ventricular Septal Defect


    The most common defects are:


    • Aortic Valve Stenosis
    • Atrial Septal Defect
    • Aortic Narrowing
    • Patent Ductus Arteriosus
    • Tetralogy of Fallot
    • Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection
    • Truncus Arteriosus
    • Ventricular Septal Defect
    Some of these defects correct themselves over time while others require pharmacological treatment or surgery.

    These surgeries are usually performed within the first months of the patient’s life, a year or several times throughout life.

    For example, for patients with Atrial Septal Defect (ASD), the malformation usually closes before the age of three, but when this does not occur, you must present your child for surgery.

    The surgery to close the Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) can be done in two ways:The two (2) possibilities are: Open heart surgery: it is performed under general anesthesia and requires a heart-lung bypass machine. The neurosurgeon performs a suture or closes it with a Cardiac Catheterization patch. It consists of introducing a catheter through the groin and guiding it to the heart then a plug or mesh is introduced to close the defect. The doctors introduce a thin tube (catheter) in the blood vessel in the groin and guide it to the heart using imaging techniques. Through the catheter, doctors place a mesh patch or plug in the hole to close it.

    The majority of these defects are treated by our medical team and will result in the correction of your child’s heart defect and will help the child to gradually lead a normal life.

    You must bear in mind that depending on the defect, more interventions may be required throughout the child’s life.

    The time in Spain will depend on the type of heart defect your child will have to be treated for in our country.

    It will be for a few weeks, two or three months or as per the specific instructions given by your doctor.

    You will have to follow a strict monitoring (in your country or in Spain) to check the evolution of your child.

    Relevant information


    • Correcting the defect.
    • Eliminate current and future problems that may compromise your child’s quality of life.

    Treatment itinerary

    Before treatment

    • Check that you have prepared all the personal documentation (credit card, cash, passport, Identity Card…), medical (reports, prescriptions, images…) and travel (confirmation of accommodation booking, travel tickets…)​.
    • If you take medication of any kind not related to the surgery, do not forget to take with you the necessary amount for your stay in Spain, as well as the medical prescription that will allow you to travel with it without problems.​

    During treatment

    • Once in Spain, you will have to make an appointment with the specialist. During this visit, the doctor will open your child’s medical record (for which you will be asked to provide all your medical documentation), perform a physical examination and tell you if any further tests are needed to confirm the diagnosis.
    • If it is not necessary and everything is confirmed, the doctor will confirm the time of admission on the day of surgery of your child.

    After treatment

    • After the surgery, the medical team who performed the surgery will need to be regularly updated on the child’s progress.
    • You will be asked to undergo a series of tests which you will have to undergo during the first few years at different intervals, to check that everything is under control.


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